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 The Jodie Season 2018

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ChrisB Posted - 07 Oct 2018 : 19:27:57
First Episode:
Just watched it straight through...no breaks.

Interesting. She's a good actor.

I'm going to reserve opinion until I've seen more.

Lovely to hear the end theme tune. The new arrangement gives plenty of nods to the 1960's radiophonic sounds.
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
duralinium1 Posted - 01 Jan 2019 : 18:21:31
least this one has a Dalek in it! Please be good, no moralistic pedantic drivel...I don't want to be lectured I want Dr Who!
ChrisB Posted - 21 Dec 2018 : 07:57:32
Daleks (or a Dalek) back for New Year's Day?

We shall see.

Then no more new Who until 2020? Madness, whatever we think of the series quality.
DB 2 Posted - 20 Dec 2018 : 21:42:56
Originally posted by duralinium1

thats it, I give up!

Think l agree.
duralinium1 Posted - 11 Dec 2018 : 20:30:32
thats it, I give up!
the_narrator Posted - 26 Nov 2018 : 01:38:46
I will do a write up about what I think at the end of the season apart from the last two episodes its all been a bit Beige.

How ever something happened tonight that really as Peter Griffin says " Grinds my gears ".

Because of that split screen adverts etc you don't get to see all the titles at the end of the episode only tonight's was really short and I managed to catch who did the theme music ( which is I aleady knew ) How ever if this season is meant to be a updated version of the 60's, even the titles at the beginning is meant to be a updated version of the 60's/70's Howlaround, why oh why is there no mention of Delia ?

I mean it should run something like this-

Music Recorded by

Music Mixed By

Original Theme Music By

Based upon the original arrangement by Delia Derbyshire

Really ? Would it have hurt the Doctor Who team to give Delia some sort of credit which I think is about 55 years to late and long over due ! After all we all know who really did the theme music don't we ?

Delia's arrangement is still as fresh today as it was 55 years ago although I wasn't around in the 60's being a 70's child but you know what I mean ?

I know she was just another member of the BBC Radiophonic dept how ever even Ray Cusick didn't get a credit for the Daleks originally but he does now even he has often said he was just a member of the design dept so what's the difference ?

Your thoughts please :) Or is it just me ?

duralinium1 Posted - 19 Nov 2018 : 16:13:28
that amazon one was fun, feeble ending, should be cybermen in the basement!
The Saint Posted - 16 Nov 2018 : 16:20:18
Doctor who, as though written by Enid Blyton. 4 go dull in the Tardis. Yawn !!!
Whoviansdelight Posted - 16 Nov 2018 : 09:00:31
It took me several rewatches and having to be told, that the wailing at the end of the last episode was actually the theme music.. totally crap in my opinion.. I honestly could not pick it out for days and was asking friends and family to listen to it to see if they could recognise the "music" which none could when I finally "heard" it.. They seem to be trying to hard to be PC and epic but are failing with the hardcore fans who they seem to have totally ignored.
DB 2 Posted - 14 Nov 2018 : 23:03:54
Haven't enjoyed the last 2 episode's. Don't like the storylines. I want more proper monster episodes and l think there is too many in the Drs merry band. Just saying what l think.
duralinium1 Posted - 13 Nov 2018 : 23:41:49
v dull, quite boring, hope this improves,Dr looked nice with a flower behind her ear!
Whoviansdelight Posted - 06 Nov 2018 : 08:43:19
I lost interest in it I must admit.. started playing with my phone.. The creature was stupid.. story drab.. oh dear..
duralinium1 Posted - 05 Nov 2018 : 23:19:00
that was bit of a mess, with a Sarah Jane Adventures monster!
Whoviansdelight Posted - 29 Oct 2018 : 10:00:51
huge spiders praying on everyones fear of them.. brilliant.. made me jump a few times.. one of my favourite episodes for a very long time.
duralinium1 Posted - 28 Oct 2018 : 20:15:59
Enjoyed that, lame ending though, thinly disguised Trump, may be a recurring character. Wanted a reference to Metebelis 3. All Praise to the Great One!
duralinium1 Posted - 24 Oct 2018 : 19:00:21
|The Rosa parks story was very good, nice to see a historical again
blitzbob Posted - 24 Oct 2018 : 17:28:53
Well that's the end of the programme for me.
duralinium1 Posted - 18 Oct 2018 : 12:10:48
I'm enjoying these, must say, and my neices are especially enjoying a female Dr, brought a lump to my throat when i heard the familiar wheezing groaning sound...good viewing figures too.keep it up
Whoviansdelight Posted - 08 Oct 2018 : 11:35:37
Well I did enjoy it but still am not sold on a female doctor (same as female Master) both good actors but was there a need for change. I am hoping that as the series progresses I will get to enjoy it more. Hope that next week we get opening credits and will need to watch it online so I get to see and hear the end music thanks to those stupid split screen adverts with talking stopping me from hearing and enjoying the theme. I did enjoy the bits of comedy in it but it will need to grow more.
Paul Posted - 08 Oct 2018 : 10:45:00
Wow, now that was different to what we've had over the past 13 years. Obviously we've only seen 1 episode so far, but...

I'm loving a Yorkshire Doctor, but then I'm biased! I thought most of the acting was great, with Mandip Gill and Sharon D Clarke in particular giving strong performances. Jodie Whittaker is a fantastic actress and I'm already starting to love 13. I know it's the post-regeneration story but I just hope she takes the performance down a notch - I don't want another version of David Tennant's Doctor. It's early days, I'm sure they have a plan for her character development and I'm looking forward to seeing where they take it. I'm really not sold on Bradley Walsh though.

The incidental music didn't get in the way, which allowed the story more room to breathe. I loved some of Murray Gold's scores for the first 3-4 seasons, but it was definitely time for a change. The theme sounds good, nice use of parts of the original and a significant improvement on what we've had of late. The imagery in the credits paid homage to the howlround tiles too.

I've tried to avoid all information about the new series (as I always do) because I like to come to it fresh. I had read a quote somewhere where someone said it's what 60s 'Who' would be like if it were made today, and I can see where they're coming from. The story was linear and felt to progress naturally, focussing on the interactions between the regulars whilst driving the (admittedly light) plot forward - but then most post-regen stories are about introducing the new Doctor and very little else. Nice touch having the cliffhanger lead straight into the next episode. It felt like drama and didn't need to rely on flashy effects or CG, but used them effectively when it did.

I'm looking forward to next week.
DB 2 Posted - 07 Oct 2018 : 20:12:03
I agree with you on Jodie. Liked her but not too keen on the first episode storyline. Also keep thinking the Chase every time l see Bradley Walsh. Like to think it will all gel together and grow on me.

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